Robin's Random Writings

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

2 types...

There are 2 types of people:

Those who brag about who MUCH they spent on an item.

Those who brag about how LITTLE they spent on an item.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

A good day

I had a good day today. It seems when you are having a good type of day, it comes in waves, same with a bad day.

Good things that happened:

1. Kitchen cabinet got fixed (we did not know it was being fixed fell down a week ago)
2. Morning fog cleared to a gorgeous sunny warm day
3. west winds and low wind speed==>Manny and Shayna went out on the boat fishing
4. Got phone call from customer from 2 days ago saying he wants to try to get WC for his dad, he said he wanted to talk again in 2 weeks when I spoke with him 2 days ago
5. Took Skyler to beach
6. was low tide at beach
7. ocean very calm
8. giant tidepool on beach like a little baby pool
9. Met mom and 2 daughters, one same age as skyler, other in 1st grade at del prado, same school shayna goes to. her daughter went to the preschool I am thinking I will send skyler to next year, and she is probably sending her 3yo there, so skyler and her daughter would be in the same class possibly. I have been wanting to find someone who knew about this school. she told me a lot of great things and info. about the school, which makes me feel its the right decision.her girls are anna and madeleine.
10. as soon as the 2 girls and thier mom left, 2 other kids came over to play in the pool and skyler played with them. they were lauren, age 6 in K at addison mizner, and david, age 5. then a bit later 2 boys, luca and Jonas and thier dad, John, came to play. I had met them last friday. Luca is also 3 like Skyler. Jonas goes to addison mizner.
11. we had a wonderful time at the beach. skyler was laughing and havng fun and I got to talk with a few parents: Susan, John, and Dana (Lauren and David's mom).
12. I got to see manny and Shayna on the boat from the beach.
13. manny and shayna caught fish and a grouper to bring home.
14. we stayed on the beach until almost sunset and the sky was turning pink and the ocean looked flat and very blue and pretty.
15. Got a phone call from my dad that a big check arrived from blue cross for a patient I did
not think would get paid, and had forgotten about/given up on.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Funny things Manny said recently:

There were so many dishes {in the sink} it was casting an eclipse.

RE: thick vs. thin pen

Its like writing with a toothpick!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Funny catch phrases from our past

1. Astro van: and the tree sap that won't come off

2. "Achmad, where are you?"
Note: Achmad was probably a terrorist in flight school and was in an impromptu terrorist meeting, thus his mysterious absence

3. Catfish

4, Nano Nano bench

Monday, July 31, 2006

Things that need to be fixed

Things that need to be fixed/done around the house:

1. Garage door : FIXED
2. bedroom shower leak - Murray looked at, very involved/expensive, need to make claim to homeowners insurance
3. Kitchen cabinet : FIXED
4. Gate on arbor : FIXED
5. lawn needs to be mowed-neither of us wants to mow in this heat-hire someone until heat wave passes? LAWN MOWED 8/7/06 by Manny
6. switch downstairs that controls staircase lights: FIXED
7. electrical outlet that controls pool and kitchen lights-kitchen outlet where our cell phone chargers go (needs to be done ASAP as pool will get gross if filter not back on soon) FIXED

8. Outlets don't work in upstairs and downstairs bathrooms
9. Repave driveway (spring 2007)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Adversity in Life

I have been reading Goldie Hawn's book and I also just saw the movie "Walk the Line" about Johnny Cash's life.

One thing I have learned from both and others I have seen and read is that for most people success does NOT come easy. We all have to work hard, pay our dues, and NOT give up. Keep trying. Not everyone will be a success, but if you don't try you never will. Its a combination of hard work, perserverence, and plain old good luck.

So keep on trying-- keep going to auditions -- keep taking lessons & classes -- keep checking the casting notices -- don't stop trying.

Also, just about everyone has had hard times. life is not always easy. everyone has had low times in thier lives, whether its financial, physical, or something else. just about everyone has at some point had to deal with annoying people, selfish relatives, or sabotage. Its just how you weather those times and that you can get through them. pick yourself up, wipe off the dust, and start over. don't wallow in your problems or feel self pity, but find solutions for your problems. there is always a solution.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

me vs. the pool algae

I am on a mission to get this pool clean already. It takes so long every year. Its still green after a week. I shocked it 3 times tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I see a difference. the filter seems to be starting to run stronger later today.

Go away algae.

Things I Love

1. My pool: even though it IS a LOT of work getting it open and clean and keeping it up, I love having my own pool. Its nice having the privacy, and nice to be able to relax on my float. also nice having the pool to ourselves. great not having to schlep anything to a pool. I love how the pool is surrounded by foliage/plants all around it. Its very pretty when you are in it. I also love how birds build thier nests poolside.

2. My backyard: although its too small...I really like my backyard. The layout is very aesthetic and we have the heart shaped wooden swing, wooden picnic table, lots of trees for privacy, a wonderful apple tree, and we get lots of cute little bunnies.

3. The rose bushes and vines: Right now the roses are blooming. We have roses framing the front porch, growing on the white arbor to the backyard, and some along the fence by the kids playground in the side yard. They are gorgeous and I always love seeing them in full bloom.

4. Having a single home: I always HATED living in the middle of 2 houses growing up. I like having the full yard space and added privacy. How annoying it was as a teenager having the neighbors able to see me from thier window.